Sunday, January 17, 2010

Adelaide, SA

Well I just got back from Adelaide in South Australia, I went down for a sales conference for 3 days. My company flew the therapy consultants from Queensland and all the other states to Adelaide so we could have our 2010 'kick off' meeting. It was a full on 3 days, we worked hard and played hard, the hotel we stayed at was very nice, it was close to Flinders University where I went for my morning runs in amongst the beautiful buildings and playing fields. The weather was warm in the day but got cold at night and in the was a bit of a shock being cold again!!! I am so spoiled here in Queensland, I believe we have the best weather in the whole world!! LOL I don't think I have had to wear a jacket since arriving back in Queensland in July 2009!
The company made an announcement at the meeting, they announced an incentive and motivational booster for everyone. They set some goals for us all, those of us that reach those goals will be treated to an all expenses paid 7 day Hawaiian Island cruise in January 2011! That is quite an incentive wouldn't you say????
I am now all pumped up to excel in my job and get out there and do my very best, I knew it was going to be a great year!

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